Eventispress is proud to present a range of quality fiction and non-fiction publications. We are a small indie press; a publishing collective with bases in Central Bedfordshire and Fife, where each author shares their expertise to promote success. Authors are encouraged to be proactive in making decisions and publishing their work.

We like to think of our approach as collaborative, rather than a cooperative. The company itself is non-profit making. Authors only pay for the services they need, (for example a professional editor), These services may be provided in-house or bought in, in discussion with each author. Our fiction can be found in paperback and on Kindle (and on other e-platforms), but our non-fiction is only in paperback at present.

Eventispress has brought together a diverse collection of authors whose books reflect a wide range of topics, from non-fiction to short stories and much more. A new author, from Ireland but who lives in Fife, has joined the Eventispress family in 2023. We will have published three new novels and also one revised edition by the end of 2023. The latest release is a debut from our web designer. (See details on our blog).

Please use the links above to see what Eventispress has to offer.